Cinnamon oil - who knew??!!!
I tried something this week that blew my mind and I wanted to share it with you.

As you know, I'm all about essential oils, but I also love to garden. But as you know, with any kind of gardening, weeds are a part of the garden.  I've been looking for a non-toxic way to kill weeds so that those toxins are taken up by the roots of the surrounding plants and into the food, or herbs I want to harvest and eat.  Until this week nothing seemed to really work.

Then BAAMM - I tried Cinnamon oil and within 24-48 hours the weeds were gone!   So now I experimented.  What would happen with less oil but something else - and it looks like the winner is Cinnamon oil and white vinegar. I used the cleaning vinegar because it's 6% or so acidity vs plain distilled at 5% - but man, it works like a charm.  

No more back breaking work spent hunched over pulling weeds, and no harm to the soil or plants.....  I will say - you do need to be careful on application.  You can't just spray willy nilly.  Spray specifically on the weeds only, and if possible aim at the root of the weed.  


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